Please Help End Child-Trafficking.

While embarking on the journey to bring Evan Beau Cosmetics to life, my attention was drawn to a very real and frightening breach to our collective wellbeing--but one that few people were speaking of--Child Trafficking. Children in Canada and abroad are being sold for sex, labour, and organs. As a mother and a human being, the crimes of this multi-billion dollar industry (second only to the drug trade) could not be ignored.
I named my brand for my first born child, who will for me forever symbolize the innocence and purity of childhood. As my studies in mindfulness have educated me, it’s our innocence and self-love that are the very essence of immortality, and the birth right of every single individual on Earth. When this is taken from us - which happens each day all across our planet - the result is a chipping away of our wholeness of being and our humanity.
$1 from every product sold will be donated to One Body Village Canada who are active front line fighters, rescuing and supporting the child victims of trafficking as well as working in conjunction with the Auscam Freedom Project to open the Shine Centre in Cambodia, which aims to educate, train and offer skillsets to girls at risk of being trafficked, to prevent it. If you wish to know more, or to donate any additional amount, please visit www.onebodyvillagecanada.org
The One Body Village Canada name and registered trademark are used with its permission, which in no way constitutes as endorsement, express or implied, of any product, service, company, individuals, or political position.
$1 from every product sold goes directly to ending Child Trafficking, and creating a beautiful future.

The Evan Beau customer donates approx:
$10 per year to One Body Village Canada = ONE YEAR of public school for a rescued victim of child trafficking (not guaranteed afforded to her without OBV’s intervention).
The purchase of our Eternal Bundle = one day of meals for a rescued victim of child-trafficking.
You’re helping us save lives. THANK YOU!